April 3rd, 2016 by dianna
This site was originally created by Pat’s youngest daughter, Dianna, in an effort to keep her fathers work alive. She continues to research, archive, and document information about Pat’s life and is publishing what she discovers onto this site. Its purpose is twofold:
1. to spread the work of Pat Mullins. His talks, articles and stories which are available here in pdf and mp3 formats.
2. to raise awareness and be the primary site for the scholarship created in Beverly Mullins name after her death. The Beverly Mullins Memorial Scholarship was created to help single re-entry parents at UC Berkeley trying to earn their undergraduate degree.
Take a look around, we have pictures, stories, talks and articles about Pat Mullins and information about Beverly Mullins and the scholarship. In 2008 our good friend Cris Mitchell took over 100 of my fathers talks, originally recorded on audio tapes from 1980-2000 and put them in digital format and cleaned up the quality of the audios. We owe him so much for doing that labor of love and want to acknowledge him here. Those talks are also on this site and available via mp3 format in the Life Work of Pat Mullins series.
Be loved, -dianna
* originally published July 23, 2007. Updated in 2016.
March 1st, 2008 by dianna
$5,000 awarded to full-time UC Berkeley student !

The 2007 Beverly Mullins Memorial Scholarship Recipient Katherine Riney Reyes with her family and the scholarship selection committee: Dianna Mullins, Helen Johnson, Jacob Mullins, Rudi Mullins (not shown are RoseMarie Mullins and Nikki Dones)
The UC Berkeley California Re-entry Alumni Chapter and the Mullins family have come together to crate a needs-based scholarship for Single parent re-entry students, doing full-time studay at UC Berkeley. The scholarship is in memory of Beverly Mullins, a 1998 graduate from the Department of Sociology.
Beverly attended UC Berkeley as a single mother with no outside financial support. She was challenged to focus on both her studies and the responsibility of raising her son, Jacob. Today, Jacob is a graduate of Yale University – a testament to Beverly’s love, focus and determination to create, for him, a better life. The goal of the Beverly Mullins Memorial scholarship is to help other single parents also achieve success for themselves and their families.
For more background on the scholarship, please visit other areas of our site.
August 5th, 2007 by dianna
Many people have asked me why my domain is so odd. These letters represent a phrase my father used for his last 20 years to help people understand how to live a happy life. Below is a direct quote from an article my dad wrote, but honestly its more than a “talk” or a “lecture” its a way of life. It took me years to fully understand the power of the words. I would sit in my fathers office complaining about “this situation” or “that person” and he would just listen until i was done complaining. Then, once he thought i was ready, he would slowly start sharing with me in a way that i could *hear* him about how to get through the situation, how to live my life.
Pat wrote the following description of LAFPDL:
???The letters are from six scriptures the Lord spoke to my heart that are His process of the Holy Spirit revealing jesus in us – to us – and through us- to bring us to an AGAPE love in any / all / relationships. (I use a New English Bible)???
L = Love the command only He can fulfill; how do you do this Lord? What is the love you command of us? hear and do what I tell you by the power of the Holy Spirit. – John 14:34 & 2 John 6 & 1 John 5:1-3
A = Accept in the same way as Christ accepted us we must choose to accept each other. – Romans 15:7
F = Forgive unconditionally as you have been forgiven, and refuse to remember the offence against you. – Matthew 6:14-15 & Hebrews 10:17 & 1 Cor 13:6
P = Pray for those who presecute you pray for them and love them with my love by hearing and obeying Me. – Matthew 5:44
D = Do good to the people who are your persecutors & love them by hearing and obeying Me. – Luke 6:35
and the Lord said and if you will faithfully hear and do these things in the power of My Spirit you will experience the love I speak of:
L = Love as I love you (Agape Love) – 1 Cor 13 & John 14:15