LAFPDL Podcasts

The Work of Pat Mullins
The Life Work of Pat Mullins was previously available on CD and cassette. To simplify bringing his talks to you we have now made them available via podcast and in mp3 format for you to download to your mp3 player or listen directly off of our site.
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All Podcasts are offered by donation Only. Payment is optional and is not required to access anything on this site.
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Baptism of the Holy Spirit
The Baptism of the Spirit talks were given by Pat Mullins based on an a book series "The Holy Spirit & You" by Dennis & Rita Bennett. Pat gave these 18 to 21 week workshops ten times during the past 28 years in several locations around Northern California. It brought a person from an introduction to Jesus, Baptism in the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Holy Spirit and then walking ones life in this Narrow Way.
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Steps to Discipleship
This is a selection of talks given by Pat Mullins over a period of 20 years highlighting essentials needed to live a life totally dedicated to Jesus Christ. This series works as a guideline for the dedicated Christian to live this life from the initial call to the gifts needed to live a victorious life. The call of discipleship was of vital importance to Pat. He knew how critical it was to die to receive life, for it is through egocentricity's death, (the dying of ego) that freedom is obtained. Christ lives not I, was the message and this is done when the love of Christ, agape love, is manifested in our life towards our brothers and sisters. Pat realized that by ourselves we cannot do it, but with the help of the Holy Spirit as our teacher, our advocate and helper, we can do all things in Christ in order to have Jesus live in and through us. This is the freedom found in Christ, equipping us to walk a truly victorious life.
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Nature in Christ
Emphasizes the basis from which God ministers His life in us. Beginning with Adam ending with Jesus. God's goal, to develop a family for Himself. Crucified with Christ - what it means and what we will experience as we begin to go against our self (flesh) so that God's life will be manifested in us. The resurrection side of the cross and death to sin. All that we were chosen to be is summerized in the name of Jesus so that the glory of the gift in us (Jesus) may rebound to His praise. To be called out, to be dedicated or consecrated is all to the same end. God's conspiracy is the the Holy Spirit in us. We yearn for God, because first He chose us and His love draw us unto Him to know Him better as we live our lives.
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Jesus Our All in All
Pat Mullins knew by experience the secret described by St. Paul in Colossians 1:27 - "The secret is this: Christ in you, the hope of glory." Jesus lived his life through Pat. In this set of talks, Pat shares the truths of how Jesus is our source of forgiveness, love, healing, and wisdom. Through practical examples and scripture, Pat delineates that our source of life itself resides in a person, Jesus Christ. These tapes will show how you can experience a new depth in your Christian journey, as you make Jesus your all in all.
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From the Flesh to the Spirit
Some of us live our lives realizing we need our God, others thinking we are a 'good' person, the need may not be so great. Therefore we need to be brought to the point of realization of our need of the Cross of Christ. Biblical truth, Church tradition, practical devotion all are designed to lead us to a revelation of Jesus and to form a basic reality to build on the Word of God in Jesus and He in us. Turning to our God that His will be done in our lives not ours is a wonderful revelation to behold. Jesus prayed 'Father let Thy will be done, not mine'. Obedience....the law vs. grace. The necessity for obedience to the Spirit in order for grace to be active. Grace being necessary to live out this life in Christ.
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Chosen In Christ
A review of Adam's fall and Jesus' priesthood. While we live paradoxically between two natures, choosing dependency upon God by faith, our sins are covered in the blood of Jesus' sacrifice and we are blameless before God. St. Paul's recounting his external qualifications that should have made him right with God. Now he counts it as a loss compared to the reality of knowing Christ. This choice for us is to accept this same substitution for our life by choosing the life of Jesus Christ. Based on the story of Gideon from Judges 8:22 which depicts the message of putting on the 'garment' of God as one complete in Jesus, not the 'Ephod of Gideon' which is exaltation of who we think we have become, 'much used of the Lord' yet not giving our every thought word and deed to our Savior. We find our being in another person, Jesus Christ. The exchanged life whereby my life is given up to gain the life of God. Our boast is in our need as God progressively exposes us to our lack
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Check back often to see what has been added to the site. Payment is optional, by donation only, and is not required to access anything on this site


How much will these Talks Cost?

This series of talks will be available on our website by donation only. Each member can donate whatever he or she feels appropriate. Donations are not required to download anything on this site. All we ask is that share this information with anyone you feel would benefit from Pat’s work.

What is Podcasting?

Think of a podcast as a radio show. Each show consists of a series of individual episodes that you can listen to how you want - on your PC or Macintosh, using your MP3 player, or with just a web browser - and whenever and wherever you want.

You can listen to these episodes one at a time (say using your web browser), download them to your computer or MP3 player, or you can 'subscribe' to the entire podcast series using software on your PC. When you subscribe to a podcast, all new shows will be automatically downloaded to your computer as they are published. And if you have an MP3 player, the next time you sync your device, your podcasts will be downloaded for listening on the go.

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  1. How do I subscribe to the podcasts with another podcast aggregator or feed reader? ANSWER: Copy and paste the URL on our website.

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